Sunday, February 03, 2008

How many sugar cubes does it take to build Mission Santa Cruz?

...The world may never know.  We're not sure either, but we know it takes many, many hours and not just Elmer's glue, but hot glue as well, and a cheese grater to form those nice rounded edges.  Don't forget popsicle sticks, paint, felt, a hand saw, and some strategic 10 year old engineering.  What does this all mean?  Yes, Gavin has reached the 4th grade in which he has entered into the brotherhood of those of us who have been forced to create a "California Mission Project".  Oh, the dreaded mission project!  It actually went rather well.  I had to step back and let him be the master of his project.  That was difficult for my creative side, but Ryan laid down the law.  So here it is documented on film, or was, for now it lays peacefully in the trash.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Remember when I hade to make my Mission in 4th grade? Not fun. Why do they make all 4th graders do this? It's just wrong.