Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My baby's going to preschool!

Liam's been looking forward to going to preschool for a long time now. What could be better than going with your "best buddy", Conner. Of course in true Liam spirit, he changed his mind at the last minute. There were a few tears, ok well, there were a lot of tears, but when we picked him up he was all smiles(as you can see in the pictures). He was trying to tell me about a song he learned. He said there were crocodiles that ate monkeys. Pretty cool stuff. Can he just stay 3 forever?


Anonymous said...

Liam is the cutest ever! Well, except Gavin. And Caedmon. And Laney. And my kids. Nevermind. I love that him and Ava are in preschool now! We went to her open house today and it's the sweetest thing ever!

Anonymous said...

Liam is the cutest ever! Well, except Gavin. And Caedmon. And Laney. And my kids. Nevermind. I love that him and Ava are in preschool now! We went to her open house today and it's the sweetest thing ever!