The Flu Bomb Has Gone off!
It hit last week and ravaged 5 members of our family. Gavin and Liam were hit first with fevers and chills and headaches. Delaney and Caedmon were hit second and got fevers on the same day. They were so cute, cuddling on the couch with wet washcloths to cool them down. Just check out those rosy cheeks on Caedmon. But being kids, when they felt better they found time to play. Delaney organized the puppy dress-up one of the days she was home from school. I've been feeling fine so far. I'm taking my Airborne tablets 3 times a day and trying not to become too stir crazy. Delaney and Caedmon still are having low grade fevers and coughs at night, so we're not quite through this yet. Pray for Gavin, as he is BURIED under make-up school work from last week.